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Showing 1 result for “Zhu L” published 2022.

August 2022

Effect of Semaglutide and Liraglutide in Individuals With Obesity or Overweight Without Diabetes: A Systematic Review

Ther Adv Chronic Dis 2022;13:1-14 doi: 10.1177/20406223221108064

This systematic literature review found liraglutide and semaglutide led to clinically relevant (≥5%) weight loss in 48.2–88.7% of obese or overweight adults without diabetes.

Data on the effects of liraglutide and semaglutide in diabetes are well-known, but therapeutic outcomes in obese or overweight individuals without diabetes have not been summarised. This systematic review aimed to evaluate their effects in this population, and 18 studies representing 10,938 patients were included.
