Empagliflozin Cardiovascular and Renal Effectiveness and Safety Compared to Dipeptidyl Peptidase-4 Inhibitors across 11 Countries in Europe and Asia: Results from the EMPagliflozin compaRative effectIveness and SafEty (EMPRISE) Study

Diabetes Metab. 2023; online ahead of print

Previously, the real-world EMPRISE US study found that empagliflozin initiation was associated with a lower risk of hospitalisation for HF, all-cause mortality and CV events when compared with DPP-4i.

Recently, EMPRISE has been extended to 11 countries in Asian and European countries. Among 83,946 matched patient pairs, initiation of empagliflozin was associated with lower risk of hospitalisation for HF compared with DPP-4i. Risks of all-cause mortality, stroke and end-stage renal disease were lower with empagliflozin than DPP-4i, while risk of MI, bone fracture, severe hypoglycaemia and lower-limb amputation were similar. Empagliflozin was associated with higher risk for diabetic ketoacidosis compared with DPP-4i.

These results highlight the beneficial CV and kidney effects and overall safety of empagliflozin in the real-world setting.
